We love working with our local partners and sharing information!
To assist our visitors, local partners, and employees, Bellingham Whatcom County Tourism maintains a Travel Advisory landing page with links to the latest information on a variety of travel resources.
We send out regular newsletters featuring the latest national data, local initiatives, and more.
Read all of them here: Local Email Archive
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Find information on the ongoing Cultural Heritage Tourism plan and efforts county-wide to invite and engage travelers in this segment.
Bellingham Whatcom County Tourism supports Sustainable Connections in their ongoing Think Local First campaigns that encourages uplifting local businesses.
U.S. Travel Association programs.
U.S. Travel Association research.
State of Washington Tourism works with regional and local destination marketing organizations to feed visitor interest through marketing our state.
Washington Hospitality Association supports our hospitality businesses and workers in a variety of ways.
Washington State Governor's Office press release and news list provides the most recent updates from that office.
Visit our Services page for access to other business organizations and resources.