Bellingham Arts Academy for Youth (BAAY) presents Esme’s Adventures in Another World. This original production was written, directed, and choreographed by Lisa Markowtiz. It tells the story of a girl named Esme, who keeps all of her thoughts in a duffle bag. Esme travels to another realm where she meets The Ponderer, The Star-Gazer, The Tiny Toad of Dismay, and other wonderful characters. Through their adventures, Esme learns the secrets of happiness, dreams, and, most importantly, spaghetti. Esme’s Adventures in Another World features student performers ages 9-12 and runs December 10-12 and 17-19 at the BAAY Theatre. Tickets and more information at!
COVID-19 Guidelines: Masks and proof of vaccination (or negative COVID test within 72 hours) are required to attend shows at the BAAY Theatre. BAAY asks that audience members present their vaccination card or negative test with ID upon entry. For more information about BAAY’s health and safety guidelines, please visit
Note: Unvaccinated children under 12 do not need a negative COVID test for entry.
Location: The BAAY Theatre - 1059 N State St. Bellingham, WA 98225
Tickets: $12 at the door or in advance at
About BAAY: Founded in 2006, Bellingham Arts Academy for Youth (BAAY) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to enriching children’s lives through the exploration of the arts. We believe that the arts are a basic and essential component of all children’s education. We serve approximately 1400 children ages 5-17 annually in our EduArts and Theatre programs, and provide over $30,000 a year in annual tuition waivers to remove financial barriers to participation. Learn how you can support the sustainability of this work at
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