The unique and animated style of stand-up comedian Gabriel Iglesias will be on the grandstand stage Saturday, Aug. 19, 2017 at the Northwest Washington Fair in Lynden. Iglesias’ stand-up comedy is a mixture of storytelling, parodies, characters and sound effects that bring his personal experiences to life. He is one of the most-watched comedians on YouTube with more than 300 million views. His Northwest Washington Fair performance is part of the FluffyMania World Tour: 20 Years of Comedy. Iglesias also is cast in three animated films that will hit theaters this year: “Smurfs: The Lost Village,” “Ferdinand” and “The Nut Job 2.” His “Stand-Up Revolution” series has aired the past three years on Comedy Central. “Gabriel Iglesias is one of the hottest comedians in the country and popular with all ages,” said Jim Baron, general manager of the Northwest Washington Fair. Tickets to see Gabriel Iglesias will go on sale to the public at 9 a.m. March 16. Preferred seats are available for $50 and reserved seats for $30. The grandstand tickets don’t include gate admission for the fair, which is $13 for adults. People wishing to buy tickets before they are offered to the public may become a Friend of the Fair by registering for free at Tickets can be purchased at and the fair office,775 Front St., Lynden, and by phone at (877) 699-FAIR. The 2017 Northwest Washington Fair will be presented Aug. 14-19.