The Port of Bellingham Board of Commissioners has adopted a $36.7 million 2025 operating and capital budget that supports the Port’s mission to promote sustainable economic development, optimize transportation gateways and manage publicly owned land and facilities to benefit Whatcom County. The Port Commission decided not to raise the Port’s tax levy.
The $36.7 million budget includes $12.4 million in state and federal grants the Port has secured for capital investments to strengthen Whatcom County’s transportation and economic development infrastructure.
Highlights of the Port’s 2025 budget include the continuation of large capital projects at the Bellingham Shipping Terminal. The Port is engaged in a multi-year effort to modernize the Bellingham Shipping Terminal which includes removing historic contamination, restoring navigation depth, electrifying the terminal for next-generation ships and clean air, rehabilitating the main dock to support heavy cargo and equipment, and installing state-of-the-art environmental controls to protect Puget Sound. The Port will also build a grant-funded portable barge ramp at the Bellingham Shipping Terminal in 2025 and begin designing a direct rail connection to the BNSF mainline.
At Fairhaven Marine Industrial Park, the Port is upgrading the stormwater system in support of working waterfront jobs, coastal resiliency and clean water.
At Bellingham International Airport, the Port’s 2025 budget includes cost control measures to address a large decrease in operational revenues caused by Southwest Airlines leaving because of a shortage of Boeing jets. The Port will continue to recruit new airlines and work with existing carriers on new routes and increased service on existing routes. The Port also secured federal funding to start the first phase of construction in 2025 on an International Arrivals Terminal to allow flights from Bellingham to Mexico and Central America. Completing the International Arrivals Terminal will require additional grant funding and future phases of construction work.
The Port is expecting to spend just over $4.5 million to support the Economic Development, Community Connections and Infrastructure Divisions, including the replacement of an aging observation tank at the popular Marine Life Center.
As part of the budget process, the Commission voted to hold the Port levy steady. Property taxes will be levied at an estimated rate of $0.1219 per thousand of assessed value, meaning the annual taxes on a $500,000 home would be approximately $60.95 in 2025. All the Port’s tax revenue is used for public priorities such as Economic Development, infrastructure preservation, the cleanup of environmentally contaminated sites, and parks and open space.
The Port Commission held two public meetings and two public hearings to discuss the budget and receive public comments.
The 2025 Draft Strategic Budget and proposed changes which were adopted by the Port Commission are currently posted on the Port’s website. The 2025 Final Strategic Budget will be posted on the Port’s website after it is filed with Whatcom County on December 2.
About the Port of Bellingham:
The Port’s mission is to promote sustainable economic development, optimize transportation gateways, and manage publicly owned land and facilities to benefit Whatcom County. Throughout Whatcom County, the Port owns approximately 1.4 million square feet of office, commercial, and industrial building space and has contracts with 250 industrial and commercial tenants which provide thousands of jobs for the community.
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