The road to Artist Point (the final section of SR 542) and Highway 20 (starting at Ross Dam Trailhead) are both closed for the season.
November 15, 2023

Cheryl Crooks
(360) 543-0149

CASCADIA Announces Three New Executive Board Members

Sati Mokherjee, Rochelle Robinson, and Shing Liau-Root join the CASCADIA team.

CASCADIA International Women’s Film Festival has named the following three new members to its board of directors. They are new board members Sati Mokherjee and Rochelle Robinson, and new treasurer Shing Liau-Root.

CASCADIA’s new treasurer, Shing Liau-Root, moved to Boulder, CO from Taiwan in 1998 to fulfill her dream of studying Dance Movement Therapy at Naropa University. After exploring how to help people maintain their emotional health, she refocused her direction to help both people and businesses achieve financial health. She currently is a CPA and working in a local company as an assistant controller. She also serves as treasurer of YWCA Bellingham’s board. Both she and her husband, Manson Root, love movies and theater very much. They relocated to Bellingham in 2016 to explore the Pacific Northwest culture and lifestyle.

Board Member Rochelle Robinson is a screenwriter and co-owner of local female-led production company, Talking to Crows. Rochelle has been a resident of Bellingham for more than 30 years and is a graduate of Western Washington University (WWU), earning degrees in psychology and creative writing. She’s written stuff, filmed stuff, learned stuff, lost stuff. Rochelle has even optioned stuff. Ahhh, the creator’s life. On the side, way out in space, Rochelle serves as founder and editor-at-large for HamLit, a local literary magazine established in 2019 that features Pacific Northwest short fiction and poetry writers. By day, Rochelle connects with all WWU’s psychology students, serving as program coordinator to possibly the coolest kids on the block. At night, she enjoys jotting thoughts in red ink, ever-exploring her BellingHome food scene, and rewatching episodes of the BBC’s “Sherlock.”

Board Member Sati Mookherjee is the author of “Eye” and the award-winning “Ways of Being.” Her work appears in literary magazines and anthologies, and she is a three-time Pushcart Prize nominee and recipient of the Artist Trust / Washington State Arts Commission Fellowship. Her collaborations with contemporary classical composers have been performed and recorded. A graduate of the University of Washington School of Medicine, Sati founded, and for over a decade ran, Sendan Center, an interdisciplinary child / adolescent mental & behavioral health clinic. She serves on the Whatcom Literacy Council board, and was formerly on the Corporate Board of the Boys and Girls Club of Whatcom County, a founding board member of CommunityWise Bellingham, and former Board Chair of the Whatcom Community Foundation.


CASCADIA International Women’s Film Festival is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting and showcasing the work of women filmmakers, was formed in Bellingham, Washington, in 2015. The organization also works year-round to provide film production, exhibition, and distribution education. More information about CASCADIA may be found on their website at

        We acknowledge that Whatcom County is located on the unceded territory of the Coast Salish Peoples. They cared for the lands that included what we’d call the Puget Sound region, Vancouver Island and British Columbia since time immemorial. This gives us the great obligation and opportunity to learn how to care for our surrounding areas and all the natural and human resources we require to live. We express our deepest respect and gratitude for our indigenous neighbors, the Lummi Nation and Nooksack Tribe, for their enduring care and protection of our shared lands and waterways.
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