Housed in an original cannery building, the museum exhibits tell the story of days gone by and include a scale model fish trap, antique machinery, a gallery of historic photos, and an original 29-foot Bristol Bay sailboat that gill-netted salmon in the Bristol Bay fishery.
The Alaska Packers’ Association is best known for operating the “Star Fleet,” the last fleet of commercial sailing vessels on the West Coast of North America, as late as 1927. The APA is perhaps best remembered for operating one of the last fleets of tall ships. Although this invoked the romance of the days of sail, reliance on wind rather than steam was a way for the company to economize.
The APA Museum sits in an ideal spot on Semiahmoo Spit that’s perfect for bringing a picnic lunch and explore the beaches of Semiahmoo Park as well as scenic walking and biking trails along this unique 1.25-mile natural spit.